
Breaking Down walls; Transforming Health Ceneters into Inclusive Spaces

Breaking Down walls; Transforming Health Ceneters into Inclusive Spaces

In 2023, the Make Way project aimed to break down
barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Health
(SRH) through considering discrimination through an
intersectional lens, and intervening to address the
challenges faced by young people with disabilities.
This ambitious endeavor focused on empowering
healthcare providers and creating inclusive health
To achieve this, the project organized awareness
workshops to sensitize healthcare professionals
to the unique challenges faced by individuals
with hearing impairment, fostering empathy and

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International Day of the Midwife commemorated!

International Day of the Midwife commemorated!

Ipas Ethiopia was a proud partner in the celebration of the 32nd International Day of the Midwife (IDM) organized by the Ethiopian Midwives Association (EMwA). The day was celebrated under this year’s theme, “Midwives: A Vital Climate Solution,” highlighting the critical role midwives play in safeguarding maternal and newborn health while contributing to a sustainable future.

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Lobby and Advocacy Workshop; Make Way Ethiopia

Lobby and Advocacy Workshop; Make Way Ethiopia

Last week, a three-day workshop on intersectional Lobbing and Advocacy was organized by Voluntary Service Overseas VSO, in collaboration with Ipas Ethiopia and FAWE Ethiopia. The workshop that was held as part of the Make Way project went on from May 15th to 17th, 2024, in Addis Ababa, bringing together a total of 21 participants , including representatives from collaborating partners, the CCG, and youth panelists.

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Consultative Workshop with Women RBO

Consultative Workshop with Women RBO

Ethiopia conducted a consultative workshop with women right based organization on May 05-06, 2022. In the workshop reproductive rights, family planning and its benefits, unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, and maternal mortality, the role of women groups and women organizations in advocating reproductive health rights, and other topics were discussed.

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Health System Strengthening to Expand CAC and CC Services

Health System Strengthening to Expand CAC and CC Services

Ipas Ethiopia has provided tremendous support to MoH in expanding access to CAC and CC services. This includes establishing clinical training centers, provision of TOT for master trainers, training and follow-up of health care providers, providing catchment based clinical mentorship, orientation of program managers, and strengthening SRH supplies and commodities.

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