Community Mobilization and Engagement

May 11, 2024 | Health System Strengthening

Over 60 Community Based Organizations (CBOs) were engaged, and several community-based programs were implemented that enhanced awareness and knowledge about SRH and CAC/CC services. About 3 million women and other community members were reached with contraceptives and abortion information. Community based interventions helped towards de-stigmatization of abortion and abortion related communications among the youth, women and service providers. Innovative, tailored and youth friendly services and information was provided through help points, community-based interventions, reproductive health corners, m-health, and other locally driven strategies. Several community-based organizations recognized CAC and CC in their programmatic strategies

Over the past two decades, Ipas supported over 60 Ethiopian local civil society organization through small grants initiative. The small grants initiative played a significant role in educating the community, but also helped various CSOs to integrate various SRH and abortion care activities into their plan and program. Some of the local CSOs supported by Ipas, which incorporated abortion related services in their strategy include Amhara Development Association, Oromia Development Association, Tamira for Social Development Organization , Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development and Tiret – Community Empowerment Association

Ipas Ethiopia partnered with youth focused CBOs and 10 universities and established a youth friendly SRH “Help Points” to reach students with SRH information and referral services. The university partnership increased the knowledge and attitude of university leadership towards importance of SRH well-being on academic performance. Through this partnership, 400 peer educators were trained to provide fellow students with SRH information on safer reproductive health practices and options. Between 2009 and 2015, close to 200,000 university students were reached with SRH information and 3,402 fellow students received referral for SRH services including contraception and comprehensive abortion care. For sustainability purpose these help points were handed over to the respective universities.

One of the initiative Ipas worked in addressing the SRH problems of out of school youth is establishing RH corners in selected government owned youth centers. Ipas established f RH corners in four youth centers in four regions. These centers are important contact points for those young people who need RH information, peer counseling and referral services. This is an exemplary pilot intervention for the government to own and expand at larger scale.