Research Publications Reproductive Health Abortion VCAT

The Contribution of Ipas Ethiopia in Expanding Contraceptive and Abortion Ecosystem in Ethiopia

Ethiopia made a significant progress in addressing maternal death over the last decades. The maternal mortality rate decreased from 871 per 100,000 in 2000 to 401 per 100,000 in 2017.1,Direct obstetric complications account for 85% of the deaths.2 Evidence indicates that unsafe abortion accounted for 10% of avoidable maternal deaths.3 Ipas Ethiopia node is among the leading players in Ethiopia’s journey towards ensuring access to quality comprehensive abortion care and contraceptive services. Over the past two decades, Ipas in collaboration with the MoH and other partners become a leader in expanding safe abortion services creating conducive environment for women and young girls to have access to SRH information and services. It has implemented wide arrays of programs including training of health workforce on comprehensive abortion care and contraceptive service provision; enhancing the capacity of health program managers on program coordination and support; expanding quality CAC and CC services at health facilities, equipping health facilities with essential supplies, and provision of support for minor renovations; advocacy and community engagement. In this document, the contribution of Ipas Ethiopia node in terms of expanding comprehensive abortion care and comprehensive contraception information and services in Ethiopia is presented.

Published: 2023


Ethiopia made a significant progress in addressing maternal death over the last decades. The maternal mortality rate decreased from 871 per 100,000 in 2000 to 401 per 100,000 in 2017.1,Direct obstetric complications account for 85% of the deaths.2 Evidence indicates that unsafe abortion accounted for 10% of avoidable maternal deaths.3 Ipas Ethiopia node is among the leading players in Ethiopia’s journey towards ensuring access to quality comprehensive abortion care and contraceptive services. Over the past two decades, Ipas in collaboration with the MoH and other partners become a leader in expanding safe abortion services creating conducive environment for women and young girls to have access to SRH information and services. It has implemented wide arrays of programs including training of health workforce on comprehensive abortion care and contraceptive service provision; enhancing the capacity of health program managers on program coordination and support; expanding quality CAC and CC services at health facilities, equipping health facilities with essential supplies, and provision of support for minor renovations; advocacy and community engagement. In this document, the contribution of Ipas Ethiopia node in terms of expanding comprehensive abortion care and comprehensive contraception information and services in Ethiopia is presented.